2025 Facade Improvement Program

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Program Purpose and Goals

The purpose of this program is to assist businesses within the District of New Hazelton boundaries who wish to make improvements to their business façade in an effort to improve the aesthetics of their property and make it more appealing to its customers and visitors to the community.

This initiative will provide a benefit to business who may not otherwise be able to afford the cost of improvements and will assist with creating an appealing upgrade that will be pleasing to the residents and visitors alike.

Funding for the District of New Hazelton Business Façade Improvement program is provided by Northern Development Initiative Trust.

The Program

These program guidelines are intended to maximize the program benefit for improving aesthetics of commercial areas.

The District of New Hazelton will provide a 50% reimbursement grant up to a maximum of $5,000.00 per building/project to improve the facades of commercial buildings.

Each building is eligible for an annual grant to a maximum of $5,000.00. Each year a building may access the Business Façade Improvement program for new/incremental façade improvements.

Projects must have a minimum total cost of $3,000.00.

Wayfinding signage is eligible for 50% of the total cost to a maximum of $500.00.

Application deadline is August 15, 2025.

The Business Façade Improvement Program is offered by the District of New Hazelton with funding provided by Northern Development Initiative Trust.

Eligible Areas

All commercial properties located within the boundaries of the District of New Hazelton are eligible for this program provided they have not previously been awarded a grant under this program.

Eligible Applicants

  • You must be either the property owner or business owner (if the applicant is the business owner, the property owner must approve the application in writing and confirm that all improvements are to be paid for by the applicant);
  • Not for profit organizations (will need landlord approval if tenants of the building);
  • Not for profit societies occupying commercial storefronts;
  • Home based businesses which are zoned commercial, have a storefront and are within the specified area;
  • Home based businesses without a commercial storefront (eligible for wayfinding signage only);
  • Property taxes pertaining to the property are fully paid and current;
  • Current, valid business licenses for the property (unless otherwise exempt);
  • No outstanding building permits, stop work orders, or development permit condition requirements outstanding;
  • The program application is approved; and
  • The subject property has not received a previous grant under this program for the proposed improvements.

Ineligible Applicants

  • Residential homes located in the commercial area; 
  • Apartment buildings;
  • Government owned buildings (municipal, provincial or federal; even if they have business tenants);
  • Properties outside the specified area (as defined in Eligible Properties); and
  • Empty buildings or businesses that are not operating (exception if the business is renovating or doing improvements to the building in anticipation of re-opening).

Eligible Façade Improvements

Eligible improvements may consist of but are not limited to:

  • Exterior lighting (new but not replacement);
  • Exterior architectural features;
  • Exterior surfaces and details (decorative details, moldings, trims etc.);
  • Windows (only if part of larger enhancements, no stand-alone window replacements);
  • New siding;
  • Façade painting;
  • Entrances and doorways (only if part of larger enhancements, no stand-alone entrance/doorway replacement);
  • Awnings;
  • Signage (affixed to the building);
  • Wayfinding signage (sign located on the business property i.e. at the bottom of a driveway);
    • Signs are eligible for 50% to a maximum of $500 and must adhere to any signage bylaws and regulations
  • Accessibility improvements (ramps, wider doors etc.) to the outside of the building only; and
  • Patios – must be a permanent structure that is not blocking roads or sidewalks that has been approved by District staff.

Ineligible Façade Improvements

The following improvements are ineligible: 

  • Routine maintenance;
  • Structural repairs;
  • Roofs;
  • Non-permanent fixtures (benches, planters, patio heaters etc.);
  • Landscaping;
  • Paving;
  • Fencing;
  • Interior/internal improvements;
  • Improvements not visible from the public right of way;
  • Construction of additions, accessory buildings or new buildings;
  • Improvements that have been started prior to application approval; and
  • Improvements deemed inconsistent with redevelopment purposes and design guidelines.

Eligible Costs/Expenses

  • Direct project labour costs;
  • Design, architectural or engineering fees (related to facade only);
  • Contractor fees;
  • Rental of tools and equipment;
  • Project related materials and supplies;
  • Shipping and/or freight; and
  • PST.

Ineligible Costs/Expenses

  • Staff wages and/or benefits;
  • Purchase of construction tools or equipment;
  • Operational costs including utilities (hydro, gas etc.);
  • Duties;
  • Permit fees;
  • Expenses related to improvement to the building façade not visible from the public right of way;
  • Façade improvement expenses started prior to application approval; and
  • GST.

Design Guidelines

  • In order to be eligible for this grant, the applicant must submit designs and costing for the project;
  • Grants will be on a First Come First Served basis until the grant fund has been depleted.  All applications that have been received after the fund has been depleted will be encouraged to apply for funding during the next grant cycle;
  • Designs need to clearly outline the proposed improvements to allow the review committee to accurately evaluate the project, and clearly see that the finished product looks like what was intended during the application process;
  • As far as possible, projects must be consistent with the general form and character of the design guidelines set out for the area;
  • Designs need to clearly outline the proposed improvements to allow the review committee to accurately evaluate the project, and clearly see that the finished product looks like what was intended during the application process;
  • As far as possible, projects must be consistent with the general form and character of the design guidelines set out for the area; and
  • Building, sign and/or other permits may be required based on the extent of the improvements to be completed. These requirements are not waived by approval for the Business Façade Improvement Program and should be applied for prior to or concurrently with application for this program.

Business Application Process

Applications may be submitted to the Corporate Officer in the following ways:

  • Hand delivered to the District of New Hazelton office located at 4670 10th Avenue between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday, excluding statutory holidays;
  • Via email to: bwhite@newhazelton.ca;
  • Via fax to: 250-842-6077; or
  • Via Canada Post at PO Box 340 New Hazelton, BC  V0J 2J0

Submitting an application does not necessarily mean your project or a specific grant amount will be approved. All project proposals are subject to a comprehensive review, must meet high quality standards, and must reflect the spirit and intent of the Business Façade Improvement Program Guidelines.

  • Owner/Tenant contacts the Municipality to determine if the building qualifies for the Façade Improvement Program, discuss your project, and obtain the Program Guide and Application;
  • Owner/Tenant submit a complete application with designs. All required supporting materials and documents (including owner authorization) must be received prior to be considered complete;
  • Staff reviews the application and proposed façade improvements to ensure that improvements meet the applicable Design Guidelines and Business Façade Improvement Program Guidelines;
  • Applications are reviewed and a decision to accept or reject the application is made;
  • Applicant is advised of the decision by email and mailed letter;
  • For successful applications, a Letter of Understanding is sent to the applicant which must be signed by the owner/tenant and a representative of the Municipality;
  • Owner/Tenant acquires any required permits and completes the renovations;
  • Owner/Tenant provides verification of expenses (including invoices or other conformations of payment) and submits their totals on the provided expense tracking sheet;
  • Owner/Tenant provides a Certification of Completion signed by the applicant or contractor, indicating that all work described in the application/approval and has been paid in full, as well as before and after photos, a business testimonial, and any other supporting documentation;
  • Owner/Tenant provides proof that the improvements have passes final inspection for municipal permits (where required) and meet all building standards and codes (where required);
  • Staff verifies that the renovations meet the Letter of Understanding requirements and approves reimbursement; and
  • Applicant is issued a cheque.

Submitting an application does not necessarily mean your project or a specific grant amount will be approved. All project proposals are subject to a comprehensive review, must meet high quality standards, and must reflect the spirit and intent of the Business Façade Improvement Program Guidelines.

Please note:

Approved projects must be completed by the 2025 Year End (December 31).

Evaluation/Selection Process

The Project Review Committee will consist of 3 members, including: 3 Council Members, one Staff Member (for record keeping and administration only). All Eligible Projects will be evaluated using the following ranked criteria:

  • Does the project for which the funds are being sought meet the applicable Design Guidelines?
  • Will the project once complete have a noticeable impact on the streetscape?
  • Will the renovation offer a noticeable improvement on the streetscape?

